Terry Lee Pardee’s Passing

Terry Lee Pardee
Terry Lee Pardee

It is with sadness that VCCCDRA has learned of the passing of Terry Lee Pardee, retired professor of anatomy / physiology and biotechnology at Ventura College.

Terry attended San Fernando Valley State College (now known as California State University Northridge) and earned both Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Entomology. In his 60’s, Terry earned a PhD in Epidemiology from Walden University.  Over his career at VC, he taught thousands of future nurses, physicians, paramedics, researchers, and physician assistants.


A Celebration of Life is scheduled on Saturday, October 12, 2024 from 1 to 4 pm.  Location TBD.

To read Terry’s obituary, please use this link.

Les Wieder’s Passing

Les Wieder
Les Wieder

With sadness, VCCCDRA has learned of the passing on August 21, 2024 of Les Wieder, retired professor of Television and Theater at Moorpark College.  Les directed more than 72 plays at MC and in Hollywood over his 40+ year career in the music, theater, and television industries.

No services have been announced.  To read his obituary, please use this link.

Helene Corley Mulligan’s Passing

Helene Corley Mulligan
Helene Corley Mulligan

It is with great sadness that VCCCDRA has learned of the passing of Helene Corley Mulligan, on October 31, 2018.  Helene was a retired professor of business and a founding faculty at Oxnard College.

Helene earned bachelor’s degrees from the City University of New York and Louisiana State University, and master’s degrees in Education from University of California, Berkeley and Childhood Psychology from Long Island University. Her career in education  included many years of teaching at both high school and college level. She also taught and lectured extensively in China and Thailand.

Please use this link to read Helene’s obituary.

Fall 2024 Monitor Newsletter

VCCCD Retirees,

The Fall 2024 Monitor Newsletter is here.  In this edition, you will find articles summarizing the 2024 Annual Meetings, both Part 1 and 2.  Part 1 answers various questions about our benefits; and Part 2 continues the discussion about our benefits with panelists including representatives from District HR, Burham & Associates, SISC, and Navitis.   Other newsletter articles include:

    • Information about our Fall Social in Celebration of our Association’s 30th Anniversary;
    • Announcement of the process for students to apply for the 2024-2025  Don B. Medley Scholarship offered by the VCCCDRA;
    • Update on the lawsuit from our Association’s President, Susan Bricker;
    • Membership Report;  AND
    • Reservation/Payment form for the 2024 Fall Social Event

Hope you enjoy reading the Monitor and the Executive Board looks forward to seeing you at the 30th Anniversary of VCCCDRA Celebration at the 2024 Fall Social.

Susan Bricker, President
Ventura County Community College District Retirees Association

Please use this link for the Fall 2024 Monitor Newsletter.

Shirley Tucker’s Passing

Shirley Tucker
Shirley Tucker

It is with great sadness that the VCCCDRA has learned of the passing of Shirley Tucker, retired Home Economics instructor at Ventura College.  At 107 years of age, Shirley was the oldest VCCCD retiree.  She retired from the district in 1981.

The following was received from her son, Brian Tucker:
Shirley Tucker died peacefully on July 3, 2024.  Born Shirley Aileen Walker in Yorkton, Saskatchewan on May 9, 1917, she grew up in Victoria, BC; her family’s local roots reach back to 1853.

Having completed the two-year program available at Victoria College, Shirley’s education took her to the US: she earned a Bachelor’s degree at the University of Washington and a Master’s degree from Columbia University Teacher’s College in New York.  A specialist in textiles, she taught home economics, serving as a faculty member at Oregon State University, UCLA and Ventura College, where she was the home economics department chairperson for many years.

Shirley retired in 1981 and returned to Victoria. She moved back into the family home that she first occupied in 1932 and remained there for life. Shirley was active in several local organizations, including the Victoria College Craigdarroch Castle Alumni Association, where she served as president in the mid-1980s.  As a longtime docent at Craigdarroch Castle, she engaged visitors from around the world with stories and photos of her time as a student there in the 1930s, when Victoria College held classes and dances at the Castle.  In addition to her travels and affiliations with Canadian organizations, Shirley remained active and interested in developments at Ventura College and with the retirees’ association for decades after her retirement.  She sustained longtime friendships with many of her former colleagues at Ventura College.

Please use this link to read Shirley’s obituary.

Ed Bassey’s Passing

Edrissa "Ed" Bassey
Edrissa “Ed” Bassey

It is great sadness that the VCCCDRA has learned of the passing of Edrissa “Ed” Bassey, retired Accounting professor at Oxnard College.  Ed passed on February 25, 2024, services were held in April 2024 and he was buried at Junior’s Place of Hope (JPOH), a special school in Ed’s home country of Sierra Leone, for children with autism and other special needs.  The school was founded by Ed and his wife Henrietta and opened just two weeks before he passed.

Ed was loved and admired by thousands of students during his long career at OC.

Please use this link to read his obituary in the Ventura County Star.

Terry Pardee’s Passing

Terry Pardee
Terry Pardee

With sadness, the VCCCDRA has learned of the passing of Terry Pardee, retired professor of anatomy and physiology at Ventura College. Terry began his educational career at Newbury Park High School in 1973, followed by Ventura College in 1996.  Prior to that he served as an LAPD reserve officer and also worked for a few years in a research lab at Amgen.   He is loved and remembered by scores of students who are now physicians, paramedics, nurses, and respected by his colleagues.

Please use this link to read Terry’s obituary, a moving “love letter” by Terry’s children.  No services have been announced.

Health Benefits Panel Discussion-“Annual Meeting, Part 2”

Greetings Retirees!

My apologies for not responding to your inquiries sooner. There were WiFi issues where I’ve been for the last few days, so my connectivity has been sketchy at best.

Many of you heard me refer to “Part 2” of our annual meeting that was planned for June, where we hoped to converse with representatives from SISC, Navitus, Burnham Benefits and the District Office. Our challenge has been finding a physical location for another hybrid meeting. Seems all three colleges are conducting freshman orientations and activities during June, using their best tech-equipped facilities and those are booked solid.

We are looking at dates in July at this time. Should a physical location still prove elusive we will convert to a Zoom only meeting, and will still hold it in July.

You have my sincere apologies for the confusion and any inconvenience caused by this delay. It is our desire to proceed with the hybrid format in consideration of the many requests we have received for a return to in-person meetings and events. We will know within a few days if that will be possible, and I will let you all know what to expect for the July meeting.


Susan Bricker, President
VCCCD Retirees’ Association

P.S. Please don’t forget that this is your last chance to pay your annual dues or join as a life member at the current rate of $20 per year or $200, respectively. On 1 July, the dues increase to $25 or $250. Please send your check to VCCCDRA P.O Box 6216, Ventura, CA 93006, today!