Terry Lee Pardee’s Passing

Terry Lee Pardee
Terry Lee Pardee

It is with sadness that VCCCDRA has learned of the passing of Terry Lee Pardee, retired professor of anatomy / physiology and biotechnology at Ventura College.

Terry attended San Fernando Valley State College (now known as California State University Northridge) and earned both Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Entomology. In his 60’s, Terry earned a PhD in Epidemiology from Walden University.  Over his career at VC, he taught thousands of future nurses, physicians, paramedics, researchers, and physician assistants.


A Celebration of Life is scheduled on Saturday, October 12, 2024 from 1 to 4 pm.  Location TBD.

To read Terry’s obituary, please use this link.

Author: Carmen Guerrero

Retired (February 2015); Dean, Career and Technical Education, Oxnard College (2008-2015); Professor, Business, Oxnard College (1992-2008); Adjunct Professor, Business, Business Information Systems, Moorpark and Ventura Colleges (1976-1992); Intermediate Steno-Secretary, Moorpark and Ventura Colleges (1970-1974);

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