Current Status Tier II, Health Benefits, prepared by Gary Johnson

Ventura County Community College District
Benefits of Tier II Retirees
January 31, 2019

FACULTY (hired 7/1/1990- 6/30/2001)

Shall receive District provided coverage to the age of 65, at which time the retirees’ medical care plan shall be replaced by Medicare and a Medicare supplemental plan, which provides comparable benefits, and which is provided and paid for by the District. Dental and vision coverage will continue to be provided (as for active faculty).

(To date the District has not selected or provided a Medicare supplemental plan and continues to provide Tier II retirees with the same Anthem Blue Cross PPO plan or Kaiser plan provided active faculty. When Tier II retirees provide the District evidence they have paid their Medicare Part B premium, they are reimbursed that cost by the District.)

ASCC (Administrators, Supervisors, Confidential and Classified) (hired 7/24/1990 – 6/30/2000)

Shall receive District provided coverage to age 65, including medical, dental and vision. At age 65. the District coverage shall be replaced by Medicare paid for by the retiree, and the District shall provide a Medicare supplemental plan. (Comparing “Medicare supplemental plan” here to 4/22/1998 – 4/21/2001 SEIU contract language, it appears the above supplemental language means “Medicare supplemental plan” as stated in the AFT contract language)

SEIU contract language for Tier II retirees (now apparently covering all ASCC) is silent on dental and vision care after age 65, which could be taken as the District not intending to provide it. However, the District — to date — has continued to provide dental and vision coverage to ASCC retirees after age 65.

Like with faculty, since the District has not yet selected or provided a Medicare supplemental plan, it continues to provide ASCC Tier II retirees with the Anthem Blue Cross PPO plan or Kaiser plan provided active employees.

All retirees can choose between the Anthem plan and the District Kaiser plan.

All retirees must meet age and years of service requirements to be eligible for District paid retiree health benefits.

Prepared by Gary Johnson, VCCCDRA Benefits Committee Chair

To visit the VCCCDRA website, click here.

Author: Carmen Guerrero

Retired (February 2015); Dean, Career and Technical Education, Oxnard College (2008-2015); Professor, Business, Oxnard College (1992-2008); Adjunct Professor, Business, Business Information Systems, Moorpark and Ventura Colleges (1976-1992); Intermediate Steno-Secretary, Moorpark and Ventura Colleges (1970-1974);

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