Audio Recordings and Handouts of Membership Meeting on February 5, 2020

On February 5, 2020, the VCCCD Retirees’ Association held a membership meeting for retirees to review and discuss the District’s proposal to replace the current Anthem/Blue Cross and Kaiser plans with CalPERS Health Plans.

The meeting was held at the Wright Event Center on the Ventura College campus thanks to Ventura College President Kim Hoffmans, an ardent supporter of retirees.  The meeting was attended by 113 retirees, which surpassed the 100 attendees planned for by the VCCCDRA.

The meeting was conducted by Gary Johnson, chair of the Benefits Committee.  What follows is a recording made of the meeting, broken up into segments to reflect the various presentations that were made at the meeting.   Also, find copies of the handouts made by each presenter, which should be followed as you listen to the recording of the meeting.

The purpose of the meeting was to give retirees their first exposure by the VCCCDRA leadership to the District’s proposal.  The dialogue will continue at the Annual General Meeting of the VCCCDRA on March 11, also to be held at the Wright Event Center.

Rene G. Rodriguez
President, VCCCDRA

01 – John Woolley starts meeting with an announcement (length 2:13)

02 – Gary Johnson talks about Committees, The Monitor, the Website and the Blog (length 13:28)

03 – Gary Johnson begins his presentation (length 34:24)

03 Handout for presentation by Gary Johnson

04 – Rene Rodriguez begins talk on CalPERS Health Plans (length 13:11)

04 Handout for presentation on CalPERS Health Plans by Rene Rodriguez

05 – Gary Johnson comments on the presentation by Rene Rodriguez (length 9:31)

06 – Marta Freixas compares CalPERS plans to Anthem Plans (length 58:21)

06 Handout for presentation by Marta Freixas

07 – Final comments by Gary Johnson (length 23:23)

URGENT Reminder: VCCCDRA Meeting on February 5

Message from Rene Rodriguez, President, VCCCDRA


January 13, 2020

Dear VCCCDRA Retirees,


Please plan to attend a meeting presented by the VCCCDRA Exec Board and the VCCCDRA Benefits Committee to discuss and review the District CalPERS healthcare proposal.  The purpose of the meeting will be for the Benefits Committee to share with retirees a comparison of the CalPERS healthcare plans to our current Anthem Blue Cross and Kaiser plans, and other related matters.

The meeting will take place on Wednesday, February 5, 2020 starting at 1:00 p.m. at the Wright Event Center, 57 Day Road, Ventura, CA, which is located at the southeast corner of the Ventura College campus at the corner of Day Road and Telegraph Road.  There is parking right in front of the building.

Retirees have been asking questions by email too numerous and too specific to handle by email.  Our goal will be to try to answer questions as they relate to the specific situation of the various categories of retirees.


We are in the process of forming a VCCCDRA Ad Hoc Legal Committee for the purpose of reviewing the need to bring legal action against the District should that become necessary in regard to our healthcare benefits.

We need to be ready to make a decision should the District decide to take unilateral action in this matter.

Anyone interested in serving on this committee please let me know by responding to this email ( or letting me know at the meeting described above on February 5.

Rene G. Rodriguez
President, VCCCDRA

VCCCDRA retirees contacted by Anthem regarding enrolling in Medicare

Message from Rene Rodriguez, President, VCCCDRA:

Dear VCCCDRA Retirees,

Gary Johnson and I received the email below from Katy Lyon.  If you are one of the retirees that was contacted by Anthem regarding enrolling in Medicare, please contact Katy or Janice Endo as indicated in the email below.

Rene G. Rodriguez,
President, VCCCD Retirees’ Association

On 1/30/2020 12:02 PM, Katy Lyon wrote:

Hi Rene & Gary

We wanted to keep you informed regarding an issue with Medicare enforcement with Anthem.

Several retirees have been contacted by Anthem recently and told that they must enroll in Medicare.  Burnham has notified Anthem and Anthem is working to correct the change internally for the current plan year.  As it involves several departments, it won’t be resolved immediately.  However, once the Medicare Coordination of Benefits department receives internal approval they will reprocess any claims that were processed incorrectly.

Please have any affected retirees contact either me or Janice.

We will update you as we receive more information.


Katy Lyon
Benefits Analyst
Ventura County Community College District
761 East Daily Drive, Suite 200
Camarillo, CA  93010
(805) 652-5535 phone
(805) 652-7705  fax

Presentation to the BoT on January 21, 2019

Message from Rene Rodriguez, President, VCCCDRA

Because Steve Hall, Chief Negotiator for the local AFT, made such an impassioned presentation to the Board of Trustees on January 21, I decided that I could not deliver the written statement that I had prepared for that evening, and instead, made an impromptu presentation trying to highlight and support some of the remarks that Steve had made regarding retirees.

What follows is a recording of my impromptu presentation and a copy of the written remarks that I had planned to make that evening is posted below the audio link.  I went ahead and distributed the written remarks to the Board after my presentation.

Impromptu presentation by Rene:


Written Remarks that were planned to be made
to the Board of Trustees but were distributed after
the verbal presentation
(posted above)
By Rene G. Rodriguez
January 21, 2019

My name is Rene Rodriguez, President of the college district Retirees’ Association.  I served the college district as a faculty member and as an administrator in various capacities on all three campuses and at the district office.  I retired as Vice President of Business Services from Oxnard College in 2004 after 34 years of service.

I wish to thank the Board for continuing to meet on an individual basis with representatives of the Retirees’ Association to discuss matters of mutual interest and concern to the Board and to the Retirees’ Association.

I also wish to thank the Board of Trustees and the Chancellor for helping to facilitate our next joint meeting on Thursday, January 23, with representatives of the District, Burnham, CalPERS (including Anthem and Kaiser representatives from CalPERS), OptumRx, the AFT and the SEIU.  This will give the Retirees’ Association an opportunity to ask questions based on its review of the CalPERS health plans being proposed by the District.

This meeting will help us prepare for the General Meeting that we have planned with retirees on February 5, to share with them our assessment of the CalPERS health plans as compared to our current Anthem/Blue Cross and Kaiser plans.

In another matter, I noticed in the goals for your planning session at your recent Saturday meeting on January 11, that in mentioning all of the constituents that you serve as a Board, the students, the employees and the community, and the goals that you have set for them in the coming year, I noticed no mention of retirees as an important constituency.  I am not sure if this is an oversight, or if you truly mean to exclude retirees as an important constituency and resource of the District?

Certainly the years that representatives of the Retirees’ Association have been meeting with Board members on an individual basis, have demonstrated the important resource that retirees have been to Board members in sharing with them an understanding, and historical perspectives, of educational issues that surface and keep resurfacing over time.  Surely it’s time to start thinking of retirees as an important ongoing resource to the Board and to the college District, and include them in your talks and planning sessions to find ways to maximize the use of this readily available and invaluable resource.

I thank you for your kind attention.


The following is a message from Rene Rodriguez, VCCCDRA President

Dear VCCCDRA Retiree,

We recently sent an email asking you to check if your current medications would be covered under the proposed District plans.  Your responses have proved very helpful.  Thank you!

Now we want to demonstrate how important it is for us to have Anthem/Blue Cross as a back up to Medicare.

If you have Medicare Parts A and B, in addition to the District Anthem plan, please send your answer ASAP to this question:

  1. “Did you have instances where Medicare didn’t cover something, but Anthem did?”
  2. If so, please specifically describe what wasn’t covered in each instance (i.e. out-of-network counseling, a specific procedure, etc.).
  3. What reason did Medicare give, if any, for not covering the cost?
  4. Let us know if you have AFT or ASCC coverage when you respond.

Please respond to this email ( with your answers, and they will be forwarded to Gary Johnson, Chair of the VCCCDRA Benefits Committee.

Thank you for your help!

Rene G. Rodriguez
VCCCDRA President

Meeting Notice for February 5; AND Formation of Ad Hoc Legal Committee

Below is an email from Rene Rodriguez, President of VCCCDRA

January 13, 2020

Dear VCCCDRA Retirees,


Please plan to attend a meeting presented by the VCCCDRA Exec Board and the VCCCDRA Benefits Committee to discuss and review the District CalPERS healthcare proposal.  The purpose of the meeting will be for the Benefits Committee to share with retirees a comparison of the CalPERS healthcare plans to our current Anthem Blue Cross and Kaiser plans, and other related matters.

The meeting will take place on Wednesday, February 5, 2020 starting at 1:00 p.m. at the Wright Event Center, 57 Day Road, Ventura, CA, which is located at the southeast corner of the Ventura College campus at the corner of Day Road and Telegraph Road.  There is parking right in front of the building.

Retirees have been asking questions by email too numerous and too specific to handle by email.  Our goal will be to try to answer questions as they relate to the specific situation of the various categories of retirees.


We are in the process of forming a VCCCDRA Ad Hoc Legal Committee for the purpose of reviewing the need to bring legal action against the District should that become necessary in regard to our healthcare benefits.

We need to be ready to make a decision should the District decide to take unilateral action in this matter.

Anyone interested in serving on this committee please let me know by responding to this email ( or letting me know at the meeting described above on February 5.

Rene G. Rodriguez
President, VCCCDRA

Gary Johnson’s Presentation to the BOT on December 17, Audio Recording

Dear VCCCDRA Retiree,

We are inaugurating our first audio recording on the Retirees’ Association BLOG with this presentation by Gary Johnson, Chair of the VCCCDRA Benefits Committee.

All retirees concerned about their college-district-provided healthcare benefits should listen to this important message from Gary Johnson, delivered at the last meeting of the VCCCD Board of Trustees on December 17, 2019 before they went into closed session.

The presentation lasts approximately 16 minutes and covers the most important issues that the Board should be considering regarding their proposal to change to CalPERS from our current quality healthcare program provided by Anthem/Blue Cross.

Rene G. Rodriguez
President, VCCCDRA

Press the “play” icon below to hear Gary’s presentation.

Warning about Medicare Hospitalization Coverage when a patient is placed on “Observation Status”

The following newspaper article was shared by retiree, Marta Freixas.  This Medicare article cautions about being placed on “observation status” instead of being admitted when at a hospital seeking treatment.

The LA Times article is published below.  Please note that additional information is available by selecting the blue underlined words and phrases within the article.  The LA Times article is also available thru the link below.

I’m on Medicare, but I still got stuck with a $25,000
hospital bill
ANDREW TAYLOR,  LA Times DEC. 20, 2019

On June 30, 1966, President Lyndon Johnson inaugurated the Medicare program with the promise that “nearly every older American will receive hospital care — not as an act of charity, but as the insured right of a senior citizen.”

Medicare Part A was designed to provide that “insured right” to hospital care and is available without cost to every 65-year-old person who qualifies for Social Security. Unfortunately, Medicare Part A has a major gap in its coverage. As a senior citizen with Medicare Part A, I fell through that gap. I was diagnosed with prostate cancer, entered the hospital for a radical prostatectomy and spent the following two nights on a general surgical ward. Several weeks later, I was blindsided with a $25,334 bill for my hospitalization. The surgeon’s bill was an additional $4,695 that was not covered by Part A.

Certain the bill was a mistake, I contacted the hospital billing department to remind them that I had Medicare Part A, and that Medicare Part A pays the cost of hospitalization. “That is correct,” the hospital representative replied. But I hadn’t been “admitted,” I was told; I had been hospitalized as an “outpatient” under “observation status.”

Since I hadn’t been formally admitted, those expenses weren’t covered by Medicare Part A, which doesn’t cover observation status. I was stunned and incredulous. General anesthesia, major surgery, two nights on a surgical ward and not admitted? My wife and I are both physicians, but neither of us had any clue that this could be the case.

For many elderly patients, observation status carries an even greater financial hazard. Consider the patient who breaks a hip and needs a week of post-hospital care. Medicare Part A will pay for 20 days in a rehabilitation facility, but only if the patient has been admitted for three days. If the patient is admitted for fewer than three days or hospitalized under observation status, the patient, not Medicare, pays the cost of the rehabilitation facility.

Medicare Part A is often supplemented with Medicare Part B or other insurance to help cover outpatient services, doctor’s fees and drug costs. Under Medicare Part B, the patient is typically responsible for 20% of the Medicare approved amount for each service. For a hospitalization, that can be a very significant out-of-pocket cost. (I wasn’t enrolled in Part B, but did have Blue Cross/Blue Shield supplemental insurance, which required me to pay 20% of the allowable hospital and surgical charges.)

In recent years, an increasing percentage of patients are being placed in observations status. Indeed, some hospitals place up to 70% of their patients in this category.

Why would a hospital categorize a patient under observation status? There are two advantages. First, observation status allows the hospital to avoid accusations of improper hospital admissions or billing by Medicare. Second, a hospital can charge a patient who has only Part A coverage and is on observation status more than Medicare will allow if the patient is admitted.

The unexpected financial penalty imposed by observation status is often compounded with substantial emotional distress. In a feeble attempt to ameliorate the problem, Congress passed the Notice Act in 2015, which requires hospitals to inform patients of the implications of their observation status within 36 hours after observation services have been initiated. In other words, hospitals must advise patients of their observation status only after they have already incurred the expense of surgery and hospitalization.

What can be done? If you are scheduled to be hospitalized for elective surgery, get a written statement from your surgeon and from the hospital that you will be admitted and not placed under observation status. If you are already hospitalized, and receive notice of observation status, pressure your surgeon to change your status to admitted, although the hospital is not required to agree to it. These strategies might help vigilant patients, but not countless others who will still be left with unaffordable bills.

The solution is for Congress to pass a law stating that any person with Medicare Part A coverage is considered admitted if hospitalized overnight, or at the very least, any person hospitalized for a surgical procedure followed by a night in the hospital should be deemed admitted. The law should be simple and targeted, not a component of a broad healthcare reform bill that will never make it through Congress before the next election.

Opponents will argue that such a bill will increase the cost to the federal budget. That may be true, but so what? Congressional Republicans had no hesitation in increasing our national debt to pass tax cuts primarily benefiting corporations and the very wealthy. Why not pass a simple
bill to prevent senior citizens from being blindsided by an inexplicable and unfair gap in Medicare hospital coverage? What better time than an election year to introduce such a bill? Candidates, are you listening?

Andrew Taylor is a professor of radiology and imaging sciences at Emory University School of Medicine.

Rene Rodriguez’ Presentation to the BOT, on December 17, 2019

Presentation to the Board of Trustees
by Rene G. Rodriguez
December 17, 2019

My name is Rene Rodriguez, President of the college district Retirees’ Association. I served the college district as a faculty member and as an administrator in various capacities on all three campuses, and at the district office, for 34 years. I retired as Vice President of Business Services from Oxnard College 15 years ago.

I wish to thank the Board for continuing to meet with us, on an individual basis, month after month, and year after year, at meetings that have proved mutually beneficial, especially during these times, when the subject of health benefits is of paramount importance to all college employees as well as to retirees.

I wish to report that a subcommittee of the Benefits Committee recently completed its comparative review of the CalPERS health plans proposed by the District, to our current Anthem Blue Cross plans.

At a meeting on December 11, the Retirees’ Association Exec Board established the following calendar:

On December 11 – share our health-plans-comparative-findings with AFT and SEIU representatives at the AFT Office in Camarillo thanks to a previously agreed upon joint meeting.

On December 12 – email retirees informing them of the upcoming Board of Trustees meeting on December 17

On December 14 – mail out the Winter 2020 edition of the Retirees’ Association newsletter, The Monitor, including a report from Gary Johnson to retirees regarding the District’s healthcare proposal.

On December 16 – meet with Chair Dianne McKay and Trustee Bernardo Perez to discuss the District healthcare benefits proposal

On December 17 – meet with Vice Chair Larry Kennedy to discuss the District’s healthcare benefits proposal.

On December 17 – at the meeting of the Board of Trustees, announce the completion of our comparative review of the CalPERS health plans proposed by the District to our current Anthem health plans, and ask the Board to facilitate a joint meeting with representatives of the District, Burnham, CalPERS (including Anthem and Kaiser representatives from CalPERS), OptumRx, AFT and SEIU, for the purpose of going over our comparative findings.

On February 5 – meet to share the comparative findings of the Benefits Committee with as many retirees as can attend such a general meeting.

I have copies of the calendar for the Board, and I thank you for your kind attention.

UPDATE ON VCCCDRA Exec Board and the Benefits Committee Activities

From Rene Rodriguez, President, VCCCDRA

Dear VCCCDRA Retirees,


This is to bring you up to date on the activities of the VCCCDRA Exec Board and the Benefits Committee chaired by Gary Johnson regarding the changes being proposed to our health plans by the college district.

On December 4, a subcommittee of the Benefits Committee completed its review of the comparison of the CalPERS health plans to our current Anthem Blue Cross plans thanks to the fastidious work created on spreadsheets by Marta Freixas.

On December 11, the Exec Board met to hear the report from Benefits Committee chair Gary Johnson.  Based on his report and  recommendations,  the Exec Board took the position that the VCCCD Retirees’ Association is recommending holding steadfast to the status quo – no CalPERS.  It also established the following calendar:

December 11 – share the findings of the subcommittee to the Benefits Committee with AFT and SEIU representatives, which it did that afternoon at 2 pm at the office of the AFT in Camarillo thanks to a previously agreed upon joint meeting.

December 12 – send an email to all retirees with email addresses, to invite those that can attend, to come to the December 17 Board of Trustees meeting to hear an update of VCCCDRA Exec Board activities, and to make individual presentations to the Board if they desire.

December 15 or thereabouts – send out the Winter 2020 edition of The Monitor with a report from Gary Johnson to retirees regarding the District’s proposal.

December 17 – attend the meeting of the Board of Trustees and briefly announce our findings to the Board in comparing their proposal to our current health plans, and announce a desire to meet with representatives of the District, Burnham, CalPERS, AFT and SEIU to go over these findings.

February 5 – find a venue to meet on this date to share the findings of the Benefits Committee with as many retirees as can attend such a general meeting.

The Exec Board thought it would be a good idea to get whatever information we had at our disposal out to retirees as soon as possible. I had announced in a previous email that we would be placing the spreadsheets comparing the current Anthem plans with the CalPERS plans that the District is proposing.

However, on further consideration, we determined that it would be counterproductive to share this information without explanation or guidance, and that offered  in this manner, would most certainly raise more questions than they would answer, and therefore defeat the purpose of putting them our in the first place.

Consequently, the only solution is to present this comparative review of the health plans in a setting where all questions can be answered on the spot, thus the proposed General Meeting mentioned above for this very purpose on February 5.

The problem stems from the fact that each person receiving health care benefits fits into a particular category, and the consequential benefit costs for each individual differs depending on what category they fit into.  Some are active employees, and among those some are faculty and some are classified  There are also retirees, and among them, some are on Medicare and some are not, some have Part A only, and some have both Part A and Part B, some are Tier I and some are Tier II or III, just to name a few.  The spreadsheets, as a matter of practicality, only address two categories of individuals, and I hesitate to mention these as explained to me by Marta over the telephone because of their specificity.

I hope you understand our predicament in presenting this information to you “as is”, and the need to avoid unnecessary confusion.  We are just as anxious to get this information out to you as you are in getting it, but we will just have to wait until our face to face meeting that we are planning for February 5.

I look forward to seeing you on December 17 at 5 pm for those of you able to attend the Board of Trustees meeting at 761 East Daily Drive, Camarillo, between Las Posas and Carmen Drive.

Be well!

Rene G. Rodriguez
President, VCCCDRA