Notes taken at the CalPERS Health Plans Zoom Meeting–7/18/2020

The following is the content of an email received by Rene Rodriguez from Lester Tong and posted here with Lester’s permission.

This afternoon (July 17, 2020), 3:00pm till 5:00pm, I attended the “CalPERS Health Plans – Informational Zoom Meeting” (along with 218 others) presented by Katy Lyon.  I found it to be very helpful but with a lot of distractive questions from the audience.  This Zoom Meeting was recorded and will be made available for playback at the District’s Benefit website at
Look for the section “CalPERS MEDICAL”, then subsection “Retirees”.
Under the “CalPERS Live Webinar – Recording 6/30/2020” will be the Zoom meeting of 7/17/2020 (when they get it posted).  I would encourage all retirees to go to this website and review the CalPERS MEDICAL section.
Also, there was a chat session during the Zoom meeting and I saved all the chat to a file (see attached)
Also, to define the Retiree Tier 1 to 4 go to:
Here are the highlights from my notes:
__ MES Vision & Delta Dental will remain the same and separate from CalPERS Medical.
__ Everyone must submit the CalPERS Application form by mail or FAX (800) 959-6545.
__ Only CalPERS has this form and it should be mailed directly to you (I got my packet on Jul 9).
__ Anthem CalPERS “Find Care tool” for a doctor, pharmacy, hospital, or urgent care center is at
__ If you are over 65 and do not have both Medicare parts A & B, then you default to the “BASIC” or B Plan.
__ “2020 Health Benefit Summary” booklet compares all the health plans.  It was mailed to everyone.  Also can be downloaded from the District’s Benefit website (see link above).
__ For the “Retiree Monthly Contributions” in Ventura County, see Region 2 that was mailed to you.
__ CalPERS Health Benefit is by Calendar Year which is January 2021.  Therefore, deductibles amounts reset to zero in January.
__ Also deductibles amounts are reset in September 2020 when we start with CalPERS Health Benefit.
__ Medicare part B monthly premiums will be reimbursable with proof of payment starting September 2020.  Reimbursements will be handled by a 3rd party.  VCCCD can not pay these premiums directly as it is prohibited by law.
–Lester Tong
Classified Retiree, June 2016


CLARIFICATION of Language on Blog Post of May 18th

Clarification of language involving Medicare in an email sent out on May 18, 2020 and published on the BLOG titled “Negotiations Outcome and Update on Retirees, the District, and CalPERS”

In this document, we recommended that you DO NOT make decisions or changes in your benefits (including Medicare) until you are well informed…

We feel that this statement needs clarification.

Our intent is for retirees not to make any decisions merely at the urging of the District.  If you, on your own, decide that Medicare is a good choice for you and your family, then you should not hesitate to enroll in Medicare, especially when you become eligible at the age of 65, otherwise, you will be required to pay a 10% penalty on premiums for each year after that.

The VCCCDRA has also recommended in the past, on various occasions, that spouses of retirees should enroll in Medicare if they are eligible to do so, when they turn 65.  The reason for this is that spouses of retirees will not be covered by District paid healthcare benefits once the retiree passes away.  


Report from the VCCCDRA Benefits Committee

     The following are comments from the experiences reported by the Human Resources Offices of eight Community College Districts and Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo which expose a variety of difficulties the District and Retirees are going to encounter trying to work with CalPERS.  The points made are self-explanatory and the common denominator is the pervasive, critical displeasure and aggravation experienced in working with CalPERS once a Resolution (Contract) has been signed.

The report also summarizes insights into why CalPERS states that at least 32 Employers terminated their contracts with CalPERS in the last four years.

In the Chancellor’s 5-11-20 packet of materials to be sent to all Retirees is a response to “Areas of Concern” noted in the 80 plus letters of appeal and protest sent by Retirees to Trustees and the Chancellor in late April.  “Concern” number 8 is much more significant than the number of letters which raised it, especially for the number of older Retirees in the VCCCD retired population, namely “The change to CalPERS will cause problems that Retirees are not prepared to manage”.

The Chancellor’s response…

“CalPERS can be contacted through phone, email, and the website.  In addition, District HR personnel and our Burnham representatives can assist with questions in order to facilitate getting needed help.  The District will work with the retirees to provide medical benefits according to the plan requirements of the negotiated provider specified in the Agreements with the Unions.  The District will meet its contractual obligations to our active and retired employees.”

should be true, as a given, but compared to the reports of sister Community College Districts, and their experiences with CalPERS, the response is unfortunately unrepresentative of reality.


      • Supplemental tech staff is crucial to field questions and work with specific plans as each presents their own set of problems.  LACCD has 15 techs.
      • CalPERS communication is very difficult because there is no dedicated health insurance liaison between CalPERS and any contracting institution.
      • There is only one source phone number to call and that number is the same for all participants.
      • Messages or trouble shooting usually takes 2-3 weeks for a call back.


      • Would like to move away from CalPERS due to rising premium and coverage element costs and no ability to negotiate cost changes.
      • Problems with “value based purchasing” costs with businesses in different geographical boundaries.
      • Problems with balance billing when a member is treated in in-network hospital by out-of-network doctor.
      • Initial Resolution Contract is very tricky to understand (i.e. CalPERS had deftly created wording which hid the fact that surviving dependents would be excluded from coverage).  College has had to absorb substantial costs for survivor benefits they had promised and believed would be covered as intimated in initial discussions between the District and CalPERS.


      • Went from Anthem to CalPERS when college faced financial difficulty and did not have adequate reserves.  Accepted $10 million offer from CalPERS to shift.
      • Are now back to drawing down reserves again due to continued CalPERS premium increases and the fact that there is no negotiability or approval process for the District with CalPERS decisions.
      • Have had to hire four Human Resources employees to work through differing plans, policies, and issues.
      • Difficult to communicate with CalPERS as you cannot speak to the same person and it takes a while for them to get back.  No one seems to know how to handle issues.  (i.e. It recently took three months to successfully transfer a faculty already in CalPERS from another Community College to San Mateo.  meanwhile the new faculty member had to pay medical and prescription bills and had difficulty being reimbursed).
      • Would like to return to Anthem but it is expensive to leave CalPERS because of financial penalties.


      • Are attempting to leave CalPERS but it is difficult to do so because of terms of Resolution Contract.  To contract with CalPers you must hire attorneys who understand CalPERS and the health care system to work through the loopholes and “traps’ CalPERS puts into its Resolutions.  District lawyers are not prepared for the task.
      • Plan terms of use and payment are dictated by geographical area.  The costs for different people in the same plan will differ based on the geographical area where they live.
      • District has no control over the plan structure or benefits.
      • There is no dedicated contact person to work with the staff or covered employees and you talk to someone different every call.
      • There is no communication from CalPERS to the client base, should issues arise, that could affect many members.
      • CalPERS may know about an issue affecting an employee(s) but does not notify until the issue comes from the member.


Both left CalPERS due to rising premium costs, dissatisfaction with service, and no control.


      • Left CalPERS to contract with Self Insured Schools of California (SISC).
      • CalPERS did not fit the District needs or those of groups within the District.
      • Cost adjustments were too high and there was no ability to negotiate.
      • CalPERS holds all of the power once you sign the Resolution Contract.
      • If you decide to go to CalPERS make sure you have a specialized law firm that understands government contract details, health contracts, health negotiations, and powers of negotiation.
      • Communication with CalPERS is non-existent for all intents and purposes once the Resolution is signed.
      • There is no dedicated person to assist with troubleshooting, answering questions, or seeking information.
      • Often receive confusing and different answers.
      • SISC comes with a dedicated team with your plan so you have easy access to information and problem solving. Employees have not complained about SISC as compared to complaints on the difficulties in service and pharmacy issues with CalPERS and OptumRx.


      • Are looking to leave CalPERS for another health care coverage.
      • CalPERS is not flexible and you cannot negotiate or have any control over benefits or cost adjustments.


      • Classified staff left CalPERS 12/31/19.  College had been with CalPERS since founding in 1946.
      • Rising costs – no control over costs.
      • Once on CalPERS, the District has no relationship with retirees.  They are on their own and District cannot intercede to help.
      • Many States do not have CalPERS networks.  So out-of-network costs are high with no limits.
      • Always CalPERS way or the highway.  Very tiring.  No say, no power, no influence over anything.
      • CalPERS owns all information and will not share.  Cannot keep track of retirees.
      • CalPERS PPO not available in many other States (Oregon/Washington OK).  Must submit receipts for reimbursement.
      • Staff consistently involved with reimbursement issues in the retiree Medicare coverage in the Supplemental Plan.
      • Once retiree is transferred to CalPERS coverage in the Supplemental Plan, they are disconnected from College assistance.
      • Can offer no assistance.  Hard on older retirees.
      • Unhappy with retiree treatment.
      • Had care level – use cafeteria choice with fixed District contribution (10K).
      • No Union role but salary.
      • Moved to SISC.
      • Premium increases (composite) 10%, 10%, 23%, 3%, 13%.  Couldn’tpredict from year to year.
      • District works through CalPERS, not Anthem.


2016  (13)  Ohlone Community College District – too expensive

2017  (9)    Gavilan Joint Community College District – too expensive

2018  (9)

2019  (?)    Mt. San Antonio College – too expensive, too many                        aggravations, dissatisfaction


NOTE:  This information for leaving CalPERS was presented to the ASCC/District Benefits Committee by Burnham (9-5-19) at the request of the Committee and reasons given here are CalPERS’ brief statement of reasons.  Interviews with employers as listed in the beginning of this document provides a much more detailed list of complaints.

      • Lack of flexibility/ difficult to work with  (8)
      • PPO Plans turning into HMO-like plans (1)
      • Rates too high/ too expensive  (26)
      • Other post employer benefits (OPEB) liability concerns (5)

Negotiations Outcome and Update on Retirees, the District, and CalPERS

Gary Johnson‘s report below was emailed on May 18, 2020 to all retirees for whom we have email addresses:

After months of strong negotiations resistance, both SEIU and AFT have agreed to accept the District contracting with CalPERS.  Little option was available as the District was committed to imposing its CalPERS decision and salary increases of 10.28% over three years plus a $2400 bonus were contingent on acceptance.

The District is driven to save the $12.4 million per year on benefit costs it envisions with CalPERS.  That savings may be problematic given the Covid 19 economy and reduced tax revenues expected to result in cuts in State support for the Colleges.

The focus is now on the Retirees with the same District “hard ball” approach, though for a time likely presented in a “soft sell” appeal.  As a start, the District has asked for us to share with it all avenues to reach us.  In response to 80 appeal and protest letters Retirees recently sent to Trustees and the Chancellor, the District has sent a sales response to each of us, noting the plan we will be assigned to, and touting the positive attributes of the plans, and plan experiences we should expect, and the ways the District proposes to mitigate plan shortcomings.

In response to Retiree concerns and appeals over the last ten months, our voice has consistently been dismissed by three Trustees and the Chancellor with the repeated refrain that they respect and appreciate us and only have our best interests in their considerations.  The result does not seem so as they propose to brush aside 43 years of contract language and the Settlement Agreement, because past commitments do not square with CalPERS edicts and current District priorities.

Contracting with CalPERS does not bring in new money to the District.  It simply creates an opportunity to stealthily shift the sum of CalPERS savings from benefit costs to salary increases.  A 10/1/19 District negotiating document using District assumptions states that in moving to CalPERS on 9/1/20, as now agreed to by the unions, more than 100% of the District’s CalPERS savings over the three years of the new contracts will go to salary increases.

Retirees play both the role of manipulated pawn and predominant contributor to the District strategy of providing raises.  The cost of the Retiree CalPERS Supplemental Plan for a couple ($11,903.76) is 56.1% cheaper than projected cost of the composite rate for the 20/21 current Anthem ASCC Plan ($27,144.16), while the Basic Plan for an active employee couple ($17,670.72) is 34.9% cheaper.  It is small wonder that the District is demanding Tier I Retirees accept Medicare as the core of their District-provided health benefit.  The $1500 proposed to reimburse Retirees who will be covered under the new Basic Plan for added out-of-pocket expenses they will experience is a paltry sum compared to the salary and bonus rewards for current employees.

Retirees have spent the last ten months studying CalPERS from every possible angle:

      • The overall organization
      • Detailed coverage and cost comparisons from “Evidence of Coverage” booklets of its plans and our current plans
      • Where coverages and cost differences will affect Retirees
      • Cost savings strategies and cost shifting means and other actions used to try to keep premiums down
      • Difficulties communicating with CalPERS for information, assistance, and problem solving
      • What Community Colleges contracting with CalPERS and those that have left CalPERS have to say
      • The reasons CalPERS reports for 30-plus employers leaving CalPERS during the last four years

Using what we have learned, we are prepared to regularly critique all benefit information sent to Retirees by the District.  We expect there will always be more to the story than what the District provides.

Please check the Association blog regularly  to learn the latest news, access relevant benefits and CalPERS information, and read our responses and critiques of the District’s proposals and materials as we receive them.


We recommend YOU DO NOT make changes in your benefits NOW merely at the urging of the District.  If you are Tier II and must sign up for Medicare at 65, do so.  If you want to change between Anthem and Kaiser in open enrollment, do so.  If Medicare is a good choice for you now, enroll.  Otherwise, wait until we provide more information and make a determination about legal action against the District.

Legal Committee Update

Leadership of the Legal Committee is being assumed by retirees Lyn MacConnaire (Vice President of Instruction, Ventura College) and Patricia Parham (District Vice Chancellor of Human Resources) as co-chairs.  Lyn and Patricia have extensive firsthand experience in District contract development, negotiation, and administration.  Patricia was a District negotiator in the Settlement Agreement.  We are in consultation with Tom Sharpe, the attorney the Association worked with on the Settlement Agreement.  Due to the negotiation status between the District, SEIU and AFT, we are reserving comment for now and will quickly bring information to the Retirees when the time and circumstances are appropriate.

Retirees Enrolled in Anthem Blue Cross PPO – COVID-19 / Telehealth Benefits


——– Forwarded Message ——–

FW: Employees Enrolled in Anthem Blue Cross PPO – COVID-19 / Telehealth Benefits

Date:     Tue, 7 Apr 2020 16:44:17 +0000

To:     Rene <>, ‘‘ <>, Harry Culotta <>, John Woolley <>, Pat Gage <>, Larry Manson <>, Marie Soo Hoo <>, Joy Kobayashi <>

CC:  Janice Endo <>

Hi Rene and VCCCDRA Executive Board:

I hope you are all staying well.

The COVID-19 and telehealth benefits described on the attached flyer also apply to our retirees enrolled in Anthem Blue Cross PPO.

Would you please forward this email and attachment to retirees so they have this information from Anthem?

Please have them contact either me or Janice if they have questions.


Katy Lyon
Benefits Analyst
Ventura County Community College District
761 East Daily Drive, Suite 200
Camarillo, CA  93010
(805) 652-5535 phone
(805) 652-7705  fax

Janice Endo
Benefits Technician
Ventura County Community College District
Direct:  (805) 652-5531 

Attachment:  Anthem COVID 4.3.20

Benefits Dept at VCCCD Is Working Remotely

——– Forwarded Message ——–

Subject:   Automatic reply: Query
Fri, 20 Mar 2020 21:35:23 +0000
From:       Katy Lyon <>
To:             Rene <>

The Benefits department will be working remotely until further notice.

I will be responding to emails throughout the day.

Thank you & take care


Impending Contract and Settlement Agreement Violations

The following email was forwarded to VCCCDRA members for whom we have email addresses.

——– Forwarded Message ——–
Subject:   Impending Contract and Settlement Agreement Violations
19 Mar 2020, 20:38:09-0700
From:  Rene <>
To:        Maria Urenda <> 
CC:        Michael Haberberger <>,
Bernardo Perez <>,
Joshua Chancer <>,
Dianne McKay <>,
Larry Kennedy <>,
Gabriela Torres <>

March 19, 2020

To:         Maria Urenda, Chief Steward, SEIU Local 99
From:    Rene G. Rodriguez, President, VCCCD Retirees’ Association
Re:         Impending Contract and Settlement Agreement Violations

The Retirees’ Association has been notified through the grapevine that the SEIU has reached a tentative agreement with the District in contract negotiations.

Presumably, this includes accepting CalPERS as the District agent for contracting SEIU health benefits and the salary increases the District has offered in exchange.

Since SEIU actions affect retiree long standing contractual and settlement agreement rights with the District, this letter is to notify you that should the Retirees’ Association decide to sue the District for contract and/or settlement agreement violations, the SEIU Local 99 will be named a party to that lawsuit.

cc:  Michael Haberberger, SEIU Regional Representative
cc:  Bernardo Perez, Chair, VCCCD Board of Trustees
cc:  Josh Chancer, Vice Chair, VCCCD Board of Trustees
cc:  Dianne McKay, Member, Board of Trustees
cc:  Larry Kennedy, Member, Board of Trustees
cc:  Gabriela Torres, Member, Board of Trustees 

Ventura County Community College District Retiree Association

Telemedicine Benefits – Retirees Enrolled in Anthem and Kaiser Health Plans

The following email received from Katy Lyon also applies to retirees enrolled in Anthem Blue Cross PPO and Kaiser Permanente HMO.  If you have any questions, please contact Katy or Janice at the district office (see contact info below in the email.)

From: Katy Lyon
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 12:55 PM
To: AllClassifiedUsers <>; AllFacultyFT <>; AllManagers <>; AllSupervisors <>
Subject: Telemedicine Benefits – Employees Enrolled in Anthem and Kaiser Health Plans

All employees enrolled in Anthem Blue Cross PPO and Kaiser Permanente HMO:

The District’s Anthem Blue Cross PPO and Kaiser Permanente HMO plans offer telemedicine options for doctor’s visits over your smartphone, tablet, or computer.

Please see the attached flyers from Anthem and Kaiser for more details.  Anthem is also waiving member co-pays for LiveHealth Online visits for the next 90 days.  Kaiser offers telehealth to its members at no charge.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Katy Lyon
Benefits Analyst
Ventura County Community College District
761 East Daily Drive, Suite 200
Camarillo, CA  93010
(805) 652-5535 phone
(805) 652-7705  fax


Anthem PPO – LifeHealth Online

Kaiser Telehealth Flyer


From Rene Rodriguez, VCCCDRA President

Dear VCCCDRA Retirees,

This email is intended only for local retirees who are QUALIFIED to enroll in Medicare Parts A and B, but are currently NOT enrolled in Medicare, or only enrolled in Part A.


You may have recently received a letter from the District involving “IMPORTANT BENEFIT INFORMATION” from Katy Lyon.  Patricia Parham, former head of Human Resources at the District, emailed me last evening saying that she was “outraged” by the letter, and suggested other retirees may feel the same way that she does, and may wish to express this to the Board of Trustees at their meeting tomorrow evening.

For this purpose, Patricia included a statement that she plans to read to the Board that could serve as a template for other retirees to use and rewrite as desired and read to the Board.

Gary Johnson and I reviewed Patricia’s suggestion and we think that it would be a VERY GOOD IDEA for as many retirees who are qualified for Medicare but are not currently enrolled, to make their feelings known to the Board of Trustees regarding the prospect of the District forcing Medicare upon them.

What we find new and powerful in this statement, is that it is coming from the individual retiree exerting his or her individual rights.  It is an expression from an individual retiree insisting that the District uphold his or her rights as it applies to Medicare.

Below you will find Patricia’s statement for your review and use.

I hope to see as many of you that can make the Board of Trustees meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, March 10 at 5 pm.  The address is 761 E Daily Dr, Camarillo, CA 93010, on the frontage road between Carmen and Las Posas.  PLEASE SHOW UP BEFORE 5 PM SO THAT YOU CAN FILL OUT THE SIGN UP SHEET TO SPEAK.

Rene G. Rodriguez
VCCCDRA President

Good Evening Members of the Board of Trustees and Administrators.

My name is _____________.  I worked as ______________ at ______________ and retired after _______ years of service to the District.  I have a vested right to lifetime health benefits for myself and my dependents. I recently received a letter from the District benefits office saying the District may require me to enroll in Medicare Parts A and B. My employment contract with VCCCD provides me medical coverage that does not require me to enroll in Medicare Parts A or B.

You do not have the right to impose a Medicare mandate on me. You do not have the right to tell me and my dependents must enroll and pay for Medicare Part B with all penalties and you will reimburse me at a future date. You do not have the right to negotiate or persuade any group about my benefits. I have an individual right.

If you proceed with the plan that requires me and/or my dependents to enroll in Medicare A and B, you will violate the contractual Agreement you have with me. I urge you to read all the contract language you have with me before you proceed.  If you actually violate our agreement, I will take whatever steps are necessary to enforce it as written.

Board of Trustees Meeting of February 18: Presentations by Gary Johnson and Rene Rodriguez

The audio recording of Gary Johnson‘s presentation to the BOT follows:


Presentation to the Board of Trustees
by Rene G. Rodriguez
February 18, 2019

Good evening. My name is Rene Rodriguez, President of the college district Retirees’ Association. I served the college district as a faculty member and as an administrator in various capacities on all three campuses and at the district office as an institutional researcher. I retired as Vice President of Business Services from Oxnard College in 2004 after 34 years of service to the District.

First, thank you and the Chancellor for facilitating the January 23 meeting with representatives from the District, Burnham, CalPERS, OptumRx, the AFT and the SEIU.

The Retirees’ Association requested this meeting to ask questions of CalPERS representatives regarding the CalPERS Health Plans that the District is proposing as a replacement for the current Anthem/Blue Cross and Kaiser Plans. Members of the Retirees’ Association Benefits Committee and Executive Board spent two and a half hours asking the three CalPERS representatives questions that had arisen from examining the CalPERS Choice Basic and the CalPERS Choice Supplement Plans, the two plans that the District is offering active employees and retirees.

I will share two of the questions that I asked, along with the responses from the three CalPERS representatives present.

The first question I asked dealt with a statement that is found in both the Basic and Supplement plans early on in each plan. The statement is titled IMPORTANT INFORMATION and it is in bold face type. Because my time is limited, I will summarize what the statement says for you. It says, that ANY benefit to be found in either plan can be changed, or even eliminated, by CalPERS. Their only responsibility is to let you know the effective date of the change, or elimination, of a benefit.

My question to the panel of three CalPERS representatives was, “WHY IS THIS STATEMENT IN THE PLAN, AND WHAT IS ITS PURPOSE?”

There was a long silence, until one of the CalPERS representatives said that this statement was there just to apprise a subscriber that a benefit that was available in the previous year, is not available this year. I replied, that is not what the statement says. It says CalPERS can make changes or eliminate benefits at any time during the benefit year. More silence, and then, “We’ll have to get back to you on this.”

My second question related to the same statement. I noted that this statement, that is found in both of the plans being offered to District employees and retirees, that it does not appear in the PERS CARE BASIC and PERS SELECT BASIC plans. I asked, “WHY DO SOME CALPERS PPO PLANS HAVE THIS STATEMENT AND OTHERS DO NOT?” Again, they said, “We’ll have to get back to you on that.”

It has been almost a month since the January 23 meeting, and I have not received a response to these two questions as yet.

Anthem PPO plans do not have this statement in their plans. They do not have the right to change or eliminate benefits in their plans in the middle of a benefit period. These changes are meant to be negotiated items, between the District and bargaining units, and the insurance company.



Thank you for your kind attention.